First of all, I accomplished my goal: I ran the Cooper River Bridge Run on April 4th. I ran the whole way!
I don't know if it was adrenaline or the 4 months of training, but I made it! I actually ran the whole way...what a feeling of accomplishment!
The kids ran in the Cooper River kids run.
Eliott ran a quarter mile and, according to Jeff, complained the whole way...apparently he started out really fast and ran out of steam quickly. Also, he didn't like the fact that lots of people were passing him---he really likes to win!
And Chloe ran a mile--she ran the whole way!
We had a little family celebration for Eliott's bday while we were in Charleston.
The birthday day boy...I can't believe Eliott is 6 years old--What a big boy!!!
I love you so much Eliott!
After our weekend in Charleston we went to Chattanooga for Easter weekend. We enjoyed hanging out with grandma, grandpa, aunts, uncles and cousins and the egg hunt!
pictures of the handsome men (minus jeff--he must have taken the picture) and the ladies
The kids looking sweet in their Easter attire and Millie with Aunt Sue Sue and JR showing off all her eggs!
That's not all we did in April...oh no...were only half done! We were home for one weekend and had a Wii party for Eliott's birthday! Lots of little boys in the house playing was a little bit crazy, but it was fun!
Eliott making a wish and blowing out his candles...I sure hope he didn't wish for a baby brother!
Then we had a fun family trip to Washington D.C. for Jeff's cousin, Mai's wedding. We had so much fun with Jeff's family...even though Millie and I had 5th's disease during our trip. She had red cheeks and a lacy rash, but I had swollen and painful joints---it really did not make all the walking much fun, but I survived!
The Trinh Family (minus Uncle Pete and Austin--we missed you) infront of a few attractions.
Lots of photo ops
at the air and space museum
Taking a break from the heat with a cool treat!
Millie and Eliott at the reflection pool and Chloe with Hannah Rae on the Metro
Millie and Chloe hangin' out with their awesome aunts: Joy and Laurie...they are so lucky to have such fun aunts to spend time with!
So, obviously, April was a busy, busy month for us! I am so glad I got finish off the month with a little RandR on my annual Girls Weekend! That will have to be another post for sure!